Decompression Therapy In Franklin, TN

At Mission Chiropractic, we offer spinal decompression therapy, which is a non-surgical alternative treatment for low back and neck pain, pinched nerves and other types of chronic pain. Simply described, this method of treatment uses a therapeutic table that is connected to a computer, to electronically stretch and decompress your spinal structures. This is a non-invasive, affordable therapy without the side effects of drugs or surgery.

You might benefit from this technique if you have any of the following:

  • Herniated, Bulging or Degenerative Discs
  • Sciatica Pain
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Post-Surgical Patients
  • Facet Syndrome
  • Spinal Stenosis

Prior to beginning treatments, we’ll evaluate you to determine to better understand your situation. Your medical history, x-rays, and examination will be reviewed carefully to determine if this is the best treatment method for you.

A typical plan may be between 10 to 30 treatments. It is important to complete your treatment plan to allow for the full healing process to occur (even if you start to feel improvement early on). It is not uncommon to experience a significant reduction in pain early in your treatments.

Don’t let your pain get in the way of living the life you desire.

Decompression FAQs

Once a disc is gone, isn’t that permanent?

Yes and no. If the disc has completely decayed and allowed the 2 adjacent vertebrae to fuse, then yes, it is permanent. However, if the disc is just mildly to moderately degenerated, it can be restored with spinal decompression.

If I have a disc herniation and have even had surgery recommended, can I still benefit from spinal decompression?

In the vast majority of cases, the answer is a resounding “YES!” We have even had people enter our clinic in wheelchairs and be virtually back to normal function after just a few weeks of care. Even many cases that would have had no other treatment option than surgery, just a few years ago, may very well benefit from non-surgical spinal decompression now and be able to avoid spine surgery.

How can a disc be restored after it has degenerated?

Imagine a sponge for a minute. What happens to a sponge when it dries out? It gets thin and brittle, right? What happens though when it is rehydrated? It fluffs back up and becomes pliable again. Spinal decompression effectively accomplishes the same thing inside spinal discs. It does so by gently pulling from both ends of the disc, which has the effect of creating a negative pressure or suction inside the disc, causing water and nutrients from the surrounding tissues to be pulled back into the disc.

How long does each session take?

In the vast majority of cases, the answer is a resounding “Only 15-20 minutes, depending on whether you are having neck or lower-back decompression performed.

Once I go through the process of spinal decompression, won’t my discs just become compressed again over time?

The truth is…YES…IF you were never to do any preventive maintenance. Just like a tooth that you had to have a filling in, or a car that you had to have a new engine put in, or your muscles after months or even years of working out, your discs must be maintained to keep from regressing.

Does decompression hurt?

It should actually be very comfortable. In fact, most people say they can barely even feel it. Many folks literally take a much-needed nap during the treatments.

How can a disc be restored after it has degenerated?

Imagine a sponge for a minute. What happens to a sponge when it dries out? It gets thin and brittle, right? What happens though when it is rehydrated? It fluffs back up and becomes pliable again. Spinal decompression effectively accomplishes the same thing inside spinal discs. It does so by gently pulling from both ends of the disc, which has the effect of creating a negative pressure or suction inside the disc, causing water and nutrients from the surrounding tissues to be pulled back into the disc.

If I have non-surgical spinal decompression, is there a guarantee that it will work and that I won’t ever have to have spinal surgery?

Unfortunately, no treatment is 100% effective for 100% of the population. That being said, when utilized in conjunction with rehabilitative exercises, spinal adjustments and a few nutritional considerations, decompression has been proven to be about 87% effective for the vast majority of folks. That’s a far cry better than the approximate success rate of spinal surgery, only about 40%!

Is spinal decompression covered by my insurance?

Actually, decompression is considered by ALL insurance companies, including Medicare, as an elective procedure, like orthodontic care and aesthetic plastic surgery procedures. As a result, none of them pay for decompression at this time. However, we have several types of payment options, making decompression affordable for nearly everyone who wants it.

How long will it take before I notice improvement in my symptoms?

Remember that every person’s anatomy and healing abilities are different. That being said, the average, for 80% or so of the population is 4-6 treatments before appreciable symptomatic improvement is noticed. In rare instances, a few people may notice a decrease in their symptoms after just 1 or 2 treatments. Rarer still, someone may take 10-15 treatments before experiencing noticeable improvement. Having treated thousands of patients, we should be able to give you a good “ball-park” idea of what you can expect before you ever begin care.